Lisinia Nature sees the concept “education” as the basis of the social development and sustainable development. Based on this basis training works have been given importance which will cover different quality and age groups in all applications made in the center. All these trainings have been practically maintaining and moduls, prepared with the help of experts, have been implementing with the attendance of all individuals from 7 to 70 by volunteers.
Within the scope of Lisinia Nature School initiated in 2011, all students in all elementary and high school in Burdur city, town and villages within the permission taken from Burdur Ministry of National Education, have been attending Lisinia Nature School within specified program and have been left as “Nature Volunteer”.
Within the scope of Lisinia Nature School;
Immportance of Water and Usin Water Resources Economically
Global Warming, Climate Change and Actions May Taken
Wild Life and Its Importance
Biological Diversity
Organic Agricultural Techniques ve Success Stories
Hazardous Chemicals and Effects to Cancer
and education programs including tens of subjects under these subheadings of these have been implementing. The program is including trainings made in the body of all schools and center. All volunteers came on the purpose of villingly supporting the center from many different regions of world and Turkey are subjected to interior training in the center, after they support the studies. Lisinia Nature; Nature school has carried its activities to villages with the permission of Burdur Governorship and has been giving trainings in local coffee houses, at the same time it has been conveyed to nature school students inside of seminar in universities (MAKU, Ataturk Uni, AKU…) which they were invited. Until today all visitors and volunteers came to center have attended this training program and approximately 45.000 individuals were reached.
The project has been still maintining.